Blade for Flymo Microlite E280 Electric Hover Mowers
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Electric Hover Mowers Blade: 1 - 2 of 2
Flymo Microlite E280 FLY014 Plastic Blades (Pack Of 6) : Flymo Models: Hovervac 28, Hovervac 2800 (HV2800), Hovervac 30 (2006-), Hovervac Dual Handle, Hover Vac 280 (HV280), Microlite, Minimo (2002-), Mow N Vac 28
Genuine consumable
Type: FLY014 Quantity x6 Keep your lawn looking healthy and your lawnmower in top condition, by replacing the Plastic Blades when they become dull... More information
Pack of 6Flymo Microlite E280 FLY052 Cutting Disc Kit
Genuine spare part
Type: FLY052 Cutting disc Includes 2 Plastic blades If the cutting disc for your lawnmower has snapped or the plastic blades are no longer cutting,... More information